网站简介:[t]KTS sieht sich als Technologieunternehmen für Entwicklung (Hard-/Software) und Fertigung von elektronischen Steuerungen für Getriebe und hydraulische Antriebseinheiten sowie für Brennstoffzellen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Lieferung kundenspezifischer Systeme, die entsprechend den Anforderungen der jeweiligen Kunden entwickelt werden.
关键词:Kirstein GmbH, Gerhard Kirstein, Horex, Entwicklung, Mechanik, Mechatronic, Kirstein,Augsburg, HOREX motorrad, Manufaktur, Elektronische Steuerung, Getriebe, Hydrauliksystem, Getriebesteuerung, Prüfstände, Getriebebau, Datenrecorder, Verkabelung, SBC, Getriebeverkabelung, Antriebseinheiten, Brennstoffzelle, Steuerung, Steuerungen, Partikelfilter, bedienkomponenten,
网站简介:Първа езикова гимназия е средно училище в град Варна с петгодишен курс на обучение, специализирано в изучаването на английски и немски език. Гимназията има дългогодишна традиция в обучението на чужди езици. В училището се обучават около 1200 ученици на възраст между 14 и 19 години. First Language School of Varna
关键词:1eg, 1eg-varna, Първа езикова гимназия, Варна, 1ег,английски език,немски език,гимназия,първа,firstls,First Language School,Erstes Fremdsprachengymnasium,school,english,german,deutsch,education,българия,английски, немски,TOEFL,ibt,dsd,Sprachdiplom,немска езикова диплома,образоване,purva,ezikova,gimnazia
网站简介:Father, husband & web engineering manager. Enjoyer of bacon, maple syrup, craft beer, whiskey, pizza, rugby, owls, lemurs & hair loss.🍍 🇬🇧 🇨🇦
网站简介:QWay HealthCare is a leading Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Company enabling EHR Companies, Doctors/Hospitals and Medical Billing Companies to provide better patient care experiences
网站简介:XHI - Editeur de solutions d'optimisation du BFR (besoin en fond de roulement) et de gestion du risque client
关键词:DSO, recouvrement ,gestion du risque, gestion du poste client, optimisation du bfr, contentieux, gestion des litiges, logiciel financier, pilotage, relance client, credit client, credit management, crm ,gestion relation client,dso on demand,réduction des encours clients, Optimisation BFR, Assurance crédit, Assurance-crédit, Couverture crédit, Affacturage, Gestion des litiges, Gestion des impayés, Retard de paiement, Amélioration des délais de paiement, litiges, réclamation client, crm financier,planning, agenda,reporting, tableau de bord, profil payeur, scoring, procédure contentieuse, procédure judiciaire, credit interne, garantie, nantissement, gestion poste client, gestion cycle client
网站简介:Danu Corporation designs and manufactures propietary and private label plush products for leading retailers and companies around the world. Headquartered in California.
网站简介:What would you like the power to do? At Bank of America, our purpose is to help make financial lives better through the power of every connection.
关键词:bank, banks, banking, finance, finances, financial, financial institution, financial planning, personal finance, personal finances, financial management
网站简介:Die HMG ist der Immobilien Investment- und Assetmanager der HanseMerkur Versicherungsgruppe.